
Five good reasons to choose a bike hotel

Eventi Cicloturismo

Five good reasons to choose a bike hotel

Choices become important in complicated moments such as we are living now.

And it is precisely in this stage that health and well-being must be our first priority.

If you agree on these two foundamental priciples then you are ready to discover the world of Luxury Bike Hotels.

We usually plan weekends and holidays searching for our deepest needs and for our preferred destinations: sea, country, mountain, city. But now, considering what is happening worldwide, we are looking for hotels where we will get the right mindset and body-set with a complete remise en forme.

Bike therapy is the perfect solution for the inner balance of mind and body and we can reach it in any location.

villa vistarenni Toscana
Villa Vistarenni Toscana

The meaning of Bike Hotel

Bike hotels is a facility equipped with specific services to allow every guest to explore the surrounding territory with a bike.

Our must have:

  • a bike room with reserved access to the cycling guests equipped with bike maintenance kit
  • laundry service for cycling gear
  • spa or/and after training massage
  • bike guides and gpx tracks for bike tour and itineraries
  • a selection of food preparation (energetic and healthy) for cyclist

Luxury Bike Hotels represent hotels that easily satisfy these requirements being already hotels able to meet the most curious requests of a demanding clientele.

Borgo Egnazia Puglia

Five good reasons to choose a bike hotel

Five good reasons to choose between our Luxury Bike Hotels , especially today:

  • because cycling is strengthening our immune system scaled on every level of fitness
  • because throught bikes we naturally mantain the correct distance , being able to ride in group without any danger
  • because cycling allow us to stay in remote and pristine areas, breathing pure air, detoxing , renewing and oxigenating our lungs
  • because cycling helps to develope endorphins , releasing good mood and wellness for our mind
  • because Luxury Bike Hotels make all this nice and easy, taking us in beautiful itineraries suitable for any level of preparation


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